Thursday, September 26, 2024


Lens of Perception

We see everything around us and react based on a perception.... OUR perception.

This is one of the important aspects that needs to be managed as we grow up. Perception becomes  more prominent than reality and can blind the truth. We look at the world the way we are...

Imagine a DSLR with an option to change the lenses.  lets forge those lenses by boiling the emotions experiences and memories, removing ego (Slack). 

Gain the wisdom to determine which should be used in a given situation to a perfect shot of life and share it with everyone 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

We were once a Child

We were once a Child

Its a great feeling when we see a child trying all possibilities to get what they want from us and ultimately they get it.
No matter how silly the wish is or what it takes to get it

  • They want special attention and treatment
  • They want things to happen in their way
  • They think that they are always right and feel bad if someone tries to tell is that it is not good
  • They tend to do more of what is told to be not done
  • They cannot think beyond what they see and feel
  • Every thing needs to be spoon fed and explained in full detail
  • Their ignorance is worth watching and sometimes leads to a situation that we have to  handle
  • They will do what they are asked to do with elders support only if they get something in return 
  • They expect appreciation for what ever they do 

 Most of us behave the same when it comes to our social and work ethics.

I Personally feel that it is this attitude/ sub-conscious state of mind that is compelling people to play politics & Corruption and root cause of all our day to day problems.


Just give it a thought.. and try not be a grown up child...

Friday, July 22, 2011


Trust Everyone except yourself => Recipe for disaster
Trust Yourself but not others => Recipe for restlessness
Trust me, you should trust your instinct some times...
Trust when trusted properly you will have good brain food and your brain will not geT RUSTed

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life Back to basics & controlling thoughts

Please understand this and do not think too much.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

U an EYE in this Beautiful World

Relation Change Acceptance (RCA)
I am sure you might have gone through these questionnaire about people you interact with

Why is this person doing like this
why cannot he/she think like this
Why cannot he/she be rational
Why he/she always thinks in his/her own point of view.

Finally after a long thought we come to a conclusion that "people in this world never change... forget it and Lets get on with life..."

People are different and so the traits & mentalities. First step make yourself comfortable while you interacting with others is to stop expecting a change in behavior from other person.
Accept them as they are and then work on dealing with that kind of trait.

Just a thought... from me


The word Thought
Tough to control...
Tough to handle...
Tough to Change...

It all boils down to one thought...
Nothing can be TOUGH its the Thought that makes it TOUGH.

Give a Thought to it.